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Egiptul antic

6 participanți

In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de Johnny Joi Iul 02, 2009 8:17 pm

Ce stiti despre una dintre cele mai controversate si mai inteligente civilizatii care au trait pe planeta asta? farao

Numarul mesajelor : 185
Data de inscriere : 30/06/2009
Varsta : 41
Localizare : VN

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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de Tsunami Dum Iul 05, 2009 4:27 pm


There are many enigmatic relics which belong to the famous Europide population (part of Cro-Magnon, sometimes having the Brünn's or Predmost's features) which existed in South America (Eastern region), almost reaching the Western Australian shore and covering the Polynesian islands and the lands that sank during the last great deluge. We're talking about the population which was called by the Aymara Indians "Viracochas" ("the white man with red beard" or "the foam of the sea") and who called themselves, "The Sons of the Sun".

According to the Incas (1190 - 1570 A.D.), Viracocha was the creator of civilization. He was one of the most important gods and his name was not to be mentioned or pronounced by commoners.

According to "History of the Incas" by Pedro Sarmiento De Gamboa, "The natives of this land affirm that in the beginning, and before this world was created, there was a being called Viracocha. He created a dark world without sun, moon or stars. Owing to this creation he was named Viracocha Pachayachachi, which means "Creator of all things." And when he had created the world he formed a race of giants of disproportioned greatness painted and sculptured, to see whether it would be well to make real men of that size. He then created men in his likeness as they are now; and they lived in darkness.


Viracocha ordered these people that they should live without quarrelling, and that they should know and serve him." As men became bad, he decided to punish them; he turned them into stone, into things, and some were swallowed up by the earth and others by the sea. A general flood which they call uñu pachacuti, meaning "water that overturns the land", came over them. "They say that it rained 60 days and nights, that it drowned all created things, and that there alone remained some vestiges of those who were turned into stones, as a memorial of the event, and as an example to posterity, in the edifices of Pucara, which are 60 leagues from Cuzco."

Later on, in another text (The Llama-Herder and the Virgin of the Sun), Viracocha put his two children - a boy and a girl - in a boat upon Lake Titicaca. "He put his golden staff into the hands of his son. He told him he was to lead men into a place where that staff, dropped upon the earth, sank deep down into it." The boy found the place where men dwelt, and he gathered many tribes, and stopped at the place where the golden staff sank deep into earth. And he thought men many wonderful things until the coming of his father, the god Viracocha. He came from the east.

"He lived amongst men, and he taught them many arts. He it was, as the priests of those who were here before the Incas say, showed men how to bring streams of water to their crops, and taught them how to build terraces upon the mountains where crops would grow. He set up a great cross upon the mountain Caravay. And when the bird that cries out four times at dawn cried out, and the light came upon the cross he had set up, Viracocha went from amongst men. He went down to the sea, and he walked across it towards the west. But he told those whom he had left behind that he would send messengers back who would protect them and give them renewed knowledge of all he had taught them."

When the Spanish came to conquer South America, the locals thought that they were the grandchildren of the Viracocha.

Is this only a story, a legend, or is it true? Is Viracocha a real person coming from the west or is he a figment of imagination?

The locals were saying that Viracochas came from the ocean and they were ruled by the one who was called Quetzalcoatl (by Aztecs), Kukulkan (by Mayans), Amalivaka (by Tamanacs), Manco-Capac (by Incans), Viracocha (by Aymaras). But all of them described him in the same way: a tall white man, blue eyed, with long blond-reddish hair and beard. Of course, scholars disagree on the fact that Viracocha could be Quetzalcoatl, but the legends say the same story.

In 1930 in the North part of Mexico were found almost 800 skeletons. (European Homo Sapiens Fossilis, but being 2.44m tall). Here, the conquistadores (Cortez expedition) discovered, at Montezuma King's court a white woman belonging to the tribes which always attacked his Northern territory.

In June 1542, Orellana's soldiers who were looking for Eldorado, found a beautiful river (Amazon) and somewhere on its shore a tribe of white women. Because of their particular qualities of fighters, the soldiers tried to avoid them.

Sun Gate at Tiahuanaco

Tiahuanaco is situated next to Titicaca Lake, at an altitude of 3,825m (12,500 feet), where the pressure is twice lower than at the sea level. Here you can find "The Sun Gate". The walls' length is of hundred of meters; they are built from cubes of 60 tones each; also many long statues, towers and a statue of 7.5m representing a man with long hair, beard and European features. Viracochas had pipes, built from some white rock which doesn't even exist in that region. Its length is 2m, their wall's width is of 0.5m and the internal diameter of 0.5m. The statues show European faces or black faces, reminding of the Olmec art.

Cerra Gallan was discovered in 1956. It is situated at 6,000m altitude. The fortress is built on a very high peak from rocks of 1 to 10 tones each. The external wall is 6 to 8 meters tall and the width is of 3 to 4 meters; it doesn't have any gates and it surrounds the cylindrical towers (height of 12 meters). It's odd that there are no windows or doors, but only an opening in the ceiling. No skeletons or skulls or any human trace was found. The fortress was built a few thousand years B.C. The Aymaras people called it "the flying men's fortress" and linked it to Viracochas.

The Zimbabwe fortress, found in the East part of Africa, is similar, almost identical to Machu-Picchu and Cerra Gallan.

The anthropological evidences don't stop here. They exist also in the Island of Easter, where in 1722, Rogeveen discovered two groups of population: first one belonging to the race which we usually meet in Oceania, and the second one, a white race - tall people with reddish or blond hair and beard, with long ears - which became like this due to the heavy ear-rings of 10-15cm length which they would wear.


Numarul mesajelor : 194
Data de inscriere : 30/06/2009
Varsta : 35
Localizare : Tot aici !

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de marcu Dum Noi 08, 2009 3:09 pm

au cladit totul cu ajutorul sclavilor cel mai probabil ca doar nu a iesit faraonul in fata poporului si i-a intrebat care vrea sa mai construim o piramida care sa aminteasca peste veacuri lumii despre mine? si toti au ridicat mana dornici sa-si rupa coastele pt faima faraonului ce va dainui peste veacuri

sclavii au avut rolul lor in toate civilizatiile pt ca au muncit din greu, ceea ce un om liber nu ar face nici pt bani si alta e ca au scutit sume enorme

Numarul mesajelor : 37
Data de inscriere : 08/11/2009

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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de Johnny Dum Noi 08, 2009 3:09 pm

sunt de aceeasi parere

Numarul mesajelor : 185
Data de inscriere : 30/06/2009
Varsta : 41
Localizare : VN

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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de marcu Mar Noi 24, 2009 6:31 pm

vizionati acest filmulet:

Numarul mesajelor : 37
Data de inscriere : 08/11/2009

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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de victor Mar Noi 24, 2009 6:35 pm

buna idee si daca au ghicit s-a raspuns la modul de construire ai piramidelor


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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de Johnny Mar Noi 24, 2009 8:14 pm

ms pt filmulet

Numarul mesajelor : 185
Data de inscriere : 30/06/2009
Varsta : 41
Localizare : VN

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de pitiulian Vin Apr 02, 2010 12:49 am

Totul ii ok cu constructia piramidelor,pana la partea cu calcule,asezare,coordonare,gaurile mici din pietre,lini,etc.
Acolo se izbesc oameni de stinta ca de un zid si nici nu incearca sa raspunda pentru ca nu stiu.

Numarul mesajelor : 107
Data de inscriere : 28/03/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Space

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de Johnny Vin Apr 02, 2010 11:06 am

raspunsuri au, dar oare care dintre ele se apropie de adevar? vom afla vreodata? cred ca doar daca ne este dat sa stim

Numarul mesajelor : 185
Data de inscriere : 30/06/2009
Varsta : 41
Localizare : VN

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de pitiulian Vin Apr 02, 2010 4:26 pm

In Cairo se fac presupuneri dupa textele vechi,din pacate dupa cum zicea un egiptolog "gramatica nu o stim,asa ca totul ii doar o imensa presupunere"
Ca sa nu ma vorbim de faptul ca anumite informati scrise pe tot felu de pietre poate sa fie codate,intelesul il stiu doar iei,daca ne-am intoarce in timp.
Din pacate nu ne putem intoarce in timp,sau ma rog asa sustin,totul are doar viitor,trecutu ii doar un vis sau o poveste.

Numarul mesajelor : 107
Data de inscriere : 28/03/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Space

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de laurentiu Vin Apr 02, 2010 5:12 pm

marea piramida este foarte veche, se pare ca a fost construita acum 26.000 de ani de civilizatii foarte avansate tehnologic si spiritual
cele 2 piramide mai mici sunt construite de egipteni, pt ca sau descoperit vestigii ale muncii lor
la fel si sfinxul, faraonul tutmes al iv-lea a visat sfinxul aparandu-i in vis, si astfel la descoperit in nisip
cred ca suntem la inceputul unor mari descoperiri

Numarul mesajelor : 129
Data de inscriere : 09/08/2009
Varsta : 47

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de pitiulian Vin Apr 02, 2010 6:26 pm

Gresit,sfinxul ii la fel de vechi ca piramida mare,din pacate nu se stie cu exacitate vechime lui,ca sa fim seriosi,ca sa determini vechimea te bazezi pe urmele de fum lasate de faclii,determinarea vechimi carbonului.

Numarul mesajelor : 107
Data de inscriere : 28/03/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Space

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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de pitiulian Vin Apr 02, 2010 6:28 pm

Am uitat sa spun ca capu sfinxului a fost reconstruit de egipteni,inainte se afla un cap de pisica.

Numarul mesajelor : 107
Data de inscriere : 28/03/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Space

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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de andrei81 Sam Apr 03, 2010 7:45 am

citisem pe undeva ca a fost reconstruit capul Sfinxului, dar ca inainte a fost un cap de pisica, nu-mi amintesc. oricum, e bine de stiut

Numarul mesajelor : 34
Data de inscriere : 08/11/2009

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de laurentiu Sam Apr 03, 2010 7:53 am

cred ca nu mam exprimat foarte corect prietene iulian
asa este sfinxul este la fel de vechi ca si marea piramida, eu am zis insa ca a fost redescoperit de un faraon caruia ia aparut in vis
si care la scos din nisip pt ca era complet acoperit
referitor la cum arata initial, circula mai multe teorii
cea mai apropiata de real este cea conform careia avea cap de leu si aripi de vultur
cei care stiu de deschiderea lacasurilor leului inteleg
in timp egiptenii iau facut un cap de faraon

Numarul mesajelor : 129
Data de inscriere : 09/08/2009
Varsta : 47

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de pitiulian Sam Apr 03, 2010 12:08 pm

OK,dar cap de leu nu cred,pentru ca iei venerau foarte mult pisicile,sunt foarte mult picturi care relateaza o pisica stand pe tron.
Oricum is doar presupuneri.

Numarul mesajelor : 107
Data de inscriere : 28/03/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Space

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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de andrei81 Mar Apr 06, 2010 10:18 am

pisica era reprezentata de zeita ISIS

Numarul mesajelor : 34
Data de inscriere : 08/11/2009

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de pitiulian Mar Apr 06, 2010 3:04 pm

Inca o intrebare pluteste de sute de ani,de ce sunt reprezentate multe animale stand pe un tron sau acele morminte cu diferite animale inbalsamate.
Cu ce scop?
Ce rost are sa inbalasamezi toate animalele?

Numarul mesajelor : 107
Data de inscriere : 28/03/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Space

Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de laurentiu Mar Apr 06, 2010 4:37 pm

sunt multe traditii si fiecare a avut rostul ei
dar, nu-i asa toate se schimba si noi odata cu ele
peste sute de ani, sau mii cei de atunci se vor intreba si ei de ce taiam noi porcul de craciun
referitor la ce se intampla in egiptul antic in mormintele princiare se punea tot ce apartinea defunctului, obiecte cat si animale
oricum toate aveau rol spiritual

Numarul mesajelor : 129
Data de inscriere : 09/08/2009
Varsta : 47

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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de anonim Mier Apr 07, 2010 8:35 am

bun raspuns asta cu taiatul porcului, chiar asa vor zice daca pana at se v-a pierde aceasta traditie


Sus In jos

Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de pitiulian Dum Apr 11, 2010 1:18 pm

Aici gasiti cartea mortilor in engleza:

Numarul mesajelor : 107
Data de inscriere : 28/03/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Space

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Egiptul antic Empty Re: Egiptul antic

Mesaj Scris de laurentiu Lun Apr 12, 2010 9:51 am


Numarul mesajelor : 129
Data de inscriere : 09/08/2009
Varsta : 47

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